Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Just go away

I saw "Heck of a job Brownie" on the Today show yesterday. It was a small clip of a larger interview on the nightly news. I should note, I didn't watch the interview or read the transcript. I don't know what this guy is thinking. His new course of action seems to be to blame the white house and I do too, but not for not supporting him. I blame them for hiring him. If I were Brown I would work my hardest at just disappearing. No matter who he blames he will always be the fall guy for Katrina.

Jontown turns into a ghost town

I know it has been a while since I wrote here last. A mix of birthday party, hangover, another birthday party, food poisoning, a cross Wisconsin trip and being tired the whole time (I am thirty now) has kept me away.

When I first started writing this I thought I would only write a couple of times a week, but as I started writing I found that I had plenty to write about so it became a couple times a day. Anyway I just wanted to give my regular readers a warning; I think I am going to start writing my next novel at the end of March. When I wrote my last novel it consumed almost my entire life. I don't know if that is a good or bad or expected thing, but I don't know how much I will be writing here while this is going on. So if my post become sporadic in a month or so it is because I am penning the voice of the next generation and will be back to this blog soon(?). Then again since I originally didn't think I would be bloging this much to begin with maybe I will write here just as much. Anyways you have been warned.

Links 2/28/06

Bush's new approval rating is at 34%. (Maybe McCain should read this). There is some debate over the % of dem. To rep. In this here.

Jon Steward on Larry King, watch it. This is great.

Great article on Feingold. I found it through this site.

Want to find out if the government is spying on you? File a FOIA request here.

Great clip of Limbaugh losing control of a show.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Josh Lyman backs Feingold

President Bartlett's deputy chief of staff before he ran Matt Santos's presidential campaign is backing Russ Feingold. Ok Bradley Whitford the actor that plays Josh Lyman on the west wing is supporting him. It just sounded better the other way. Maybe this is how Feingold can raise more money;
other Hollywood contributors said they were attracted to Feingold's stance against the Patriot Act and the Iraq war.

On a different story;
So Frank Luntz is a GOP strategist who Boehner (the guy that took Tom Daley's job) just blacklisted him. So Luntz is now working with Democrat's and at a speech in Madison said this about Feingold;
Luntz gave credit to U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold. "You have an incredible, articulate senator from this state," he said.
Feingold has more of a chance than people realize, but his challenge is going to be raising money in the face of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, Luntz said.

Granted he says Edwards is the guy, which seems way off to me (inexperience, had his shot with Kerry), but keep in mind this is a republican.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Some good stuff from DailyKos

Not very imaginative I know, but here are some articles or links I found on Dailykos;

A republican congress woman tells Bush what she thinks about his port deal.

A good piece about 60 minutes global warming piece.

Here is a marriage contract for all you married people to try and get your spouses to sign.

Call me Mr. Marifke. My son's name is Jon.

In both the book I am reading and the audio book I am listening to, the main character says, "Call me John. My father's name is Mr. Doe." Enough! This saying is no longer funny, cute or whatever it original was. It is just over used.

Wednesday 2008; The democrat's primary

The democrat's primary, can Feingold win?

In short yes. I wouldn't be backing him if I thought he couldn't win.

There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton is the front runner, however she has been the front runner since she won her senate seat in 2000. That is a long time to run and as the poll I put up on the site yesterday shows he popularity is sinking. It is also becoming evident that if she wins the primary she won't win the final election. Since going to the senate she has moved herself to the center on most issues from abortion to flag burning to become more electable in 2008, but instead this has confused her position on issues and will easily be tagged as a "flip-flopper". She also has yet to take a stand on the Iraq war which John Kerry proved doesn't work. I am also convinced that someone somewhere is making a Fahrenheit 911 type film about her waiting to release it after the primary's. I could go on, but I think you see where I am going. In the end I think she may not even run much like Al Gore decided not to in 2004 when he was suppose to be the front runner. Who will replace her? Probably Mark Warner but it could be any of the other candate's. They are basically all the same.

They are basically all the same except for Feingold. Feingold has developed strong stances on issues and while people may not agree with all of them, they know where he stands. While this may not seem like a good thing, this is exactly how George Bush got elected (did I seriously just compare Feingold to Bush?). Feingold is going to be a strong opposition to the status quo of "DC democrat's". Chris Mathews described him as a "sane Dean". He is going to have the grassroots support going into the primary like Dean, but unlike Dean as people get to know him they like him more.

His biggest obstacles seem to be twice divorced Jew and raising money. I think being single will be a big obstacle (for the live of me I can't see why that matters. I vote on issues, but that is just me), but I have a feeling he is going to get married again in the next year or two. As for being twice divorced, divorced is so common these days, I think that most people won't care that much. I think that most of the people who won't vote for him for being the twice divorced Jew wouldn't vote for a democrat anyway, so that is a nonissue as far as I am concerned. As for the money, that is where I think his real obstacle lies. Hopefully his grassroots support can over come this. I would like also to add labeling is really important these days. Another of Feingold's electable qualities is he is not a eastcoast liberal he is a Midwest progressive and as much as they are going to try to label him as a liberal it just won't stick, ask Tim Michaels about that.

Right now, I see it going like this Clinton or Warner 60%, Feingold 30%, someone else 10%. I have a couple of Feingold articles I will be putting up tomorrow.

Next week; The Republicans from a progressive point of view.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

President's Day T.V. review

As you all know yesterday was President's Day and the networks were once again clogged with programming about our past president's. I was able to watch all the shows and here is a mini-review of what I saw;

NBC decided instead of ice dancing in the Olympics to air "Three Hours For 30 Days". I know the Olympics ratings are down, but I feel putting a three hour show about William Henry Harrison's thirty days in office before he died was a bad choice. Even I was bored.

CBS had some interesting shows, starting of with "McKinley's Large Shadow", where they discussed how McKinley was the only president to be replaced with a better man after he was assassinated. Next was "1908, The Year The Party's Changed", exploring Theodore Roosevelt handing over the presidency to William Taft which switched the Republican party from the progressive party to the conservative party so much so that Roosevelt ran against Taft four years latter in the new Bull Moose party in one of the most wide open elections ever. Next they got a little blue with "Democrat's With Their Dicks Hanging Out", where they detailed the extramarital affairs of democrat's. Starting with the first democrat, Thomas Jefferson's affair with his slave (and rumored half-sister inlaw) Sally Hemings, to Franklin Roosevelt's affair with Lucy Mercer, then on to John Kennedy's many rumored affairs and of course ending with Bill Clinton's highly published affair with someone (I don't remember who and couldn't find the name anywhere).

Fox started with "Nixon, The Crimes That Destroyed Him" well at first this sounds like a typical show showing how Nixon went astray and ended up resigning, Fox instead went after Frank Wills, Mark Felt, Daniel Ellsberg and Woodward and Bernstein and blamed them for all of Nixon's problems. After that was "Ronald Reagan; Greatest President Ever", which was a bunch of right wing talking heads boasting about how great they thought Reagan was. Then what I thought was a repeat of the same show was "Ronald Reagan; Greatest Man Ever", which was the same right wing talking heads only adding stronger adjectives to their previous points.

It was a good night to watch T.V.
(for the sake of clarity I should note none of this really happened)


I came across this poll this morning. Now of course it has Feingold at the bottom and Hillary at the top. I expect this. For the most part these polls are name recognition. Most normal people don't care about the 2008 election yet and haven't looked at the candidates yet. In 2002 how many people knew who Howard Dean, John Kerry or John Edwards were? I am counting on Feingold's strong grassroots following and his character to carry him during the primary. If he is going to win it is going to be a long fight.

Anyways the thing that I find interesting about this poll, is at the bottom where they show the question Feingold's name wasn't even asked! And he still got 4.29 people to say his name. Now assuming they put the whole question up and I don't see why they would cut off one name, this is pretty good for Feingold. That is what I am talking about when I say grassroots support!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Like a child

I decided to do some reading this afternoon. I have been reading a lot of nonfiction and the most recent fiction I have been reading, was a hard read (Huckleberry Finn). I just started reading "Angles and demons" by Dan Brown and was reminded that reading can be enjoyable. Well maybe enjoyable isn't the best word since I did enjoy the other books it is just a lot easier to read Angles than those other books. Anyway I feel like a child avoiding homework, because since I picked up the book to start reading I realized I have no clean socks. So I gathered up all the laundry and sorted it out. Then I sat down to picked up the book and thought, "Hey I should check my lottery ticket." I had forgotten that I had bought one yesterday even though I spent a considerable amount of time thinking that the first thing I would do with the money is self publish my novel and if I did that I would probably have to find a different title because a book called "Losing the Lottery" written by a lottery winner would be silly (or would it be more authorly to say ironic). So I went to my computer and after a little bit of looking, realized I lost by a lot (I only had 2 numbers in different lines both 17). Then I started playing hearts and watched some Daily Show clips. Then I decided to write a blog about how I am trying to read but keep getting distracted. What will be my next distraction? Will I actually sit down and read?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Duke stir

They want to give Duke Cunningham ten years. Some other interesting points I heard about
On January 6, 2006, Time reported that Cunningham cooperated with law enforcement by wearing a concealed recording device (a "wire") while meeting with associates prior to his guilty plea. It is not known whom he met with while wired, but there is speculation Cunningham's misdeeds were not isolated instances and his case could reveal a larger web of corruption
and then there is this
Getting in a shoving match with Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) over sending troops to Bosnia. After Cunningham fled, Moran found him crying in the cloakroom
To Cunningham's defense I heard Moran was a golden gloves boxer.

I used Cunningham's wikipedia page for these quotes. I know you have to be careful trusting wikipedia, but I heard both these things elsewhere and it was just easier to use this site. Here is Jim Moran's page.

Links 2/20/06

Daley gives the GOP the finger.

Watch Feingold's pod cast. All I can say is big brass balls. The first one is here

Feingold on Real Time With Bill Maher

Some good insight on how congress currently works here.

State by state poll on Bush.

Good Letterman bit

Funny thing is...

There has been a lot of talk from the right wingers complaining about how much press Cheney has been getting for shooting some one. Here are some of my random thoughts on this;

  • Your right. The press should be much more concerned with the fact that Scooter just told the grand jury that his superiors authorized him to give secret information to reporters as part of the Bush administration's defense of intelligence used to justify invading Iraq. I wonder who the superior for "a top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney" is.

  • Or they could talk about A former CIA official who coordinated U.S. intelligence on the Middle East during the Iraq invasion accused the White House of misusing prewar intelligence to justify its case for war. Although it says the White House I heard he is blaming Cheney.

  • As someone (I think it was Bill Maher) said, "Cheney shooting a guy was the third worst thing to happen to him last week." (see first two points)

  • While there is no proof that he was drunk or that this was anything more than a laps in basic hunter safety, the way they dealt with the situation left the door open to all kinds of speculation. If this was just an honest accident the VP created this story with his secrecy.

  • THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNTIED STATES SHOT A MAN!!! That just doesn't happen every day. Of course there is going to be a ton of coverage.

  • The VP shooting someone is easy and fun to write about. (thankfully he didn't die then it wouldn't of been so fun)

  • 2/19
  • All these Fox News people that are saying "Where is the concern for Cheney? He went through a traumatic experience." Well maybe Mr. 5 deferments now has a slight taste of what a soldier goes through.
  • Thursday, February 16, 2006

    Cheney Links

    Here are some hilarious videos on the Cheney shooting.

    The Daily Show clips "VP fire arms mishap" and "Dead eye dick" are a must watch. Not related to Cheney but still very funny is "Pill of rights".

    No Dick links

    While you are at it go to The Colbert Report and watch "Awards".

    Crazy fireman story. Be sure to watch the video.

    I'm not alone

    Al Franken agrees with me
    Kyle, Colorado Springs, Colo.: What do you see as the essential piece for the Democratic party putting their presidential candidate into the White House?

    Franken: Nominating someone who is authentic. I think that a lot of presidential politics unfortunately is casting. I think you want someone people trust and like and means what they say and says what they mean. I actually kinda like Barack Obama. I know, I know, he won't run, but I like him. I think people inherently get a feel from him that he's the real deal. I don't think that's in short supply, but I think you need someone who projects that. I think Russ Feingold is someone who stands on principle and people know that. I think there's a lot of good candidates and I wanna see how it kinda sorts it self out.
    I know a liberal outspoken radio announcer doesn't seem like a big deal, but Franken is a status quo democrat. If nothing else this shows how much Feingold is becoming mainstream.

    Oh and by the way I think he is a year late on the Obama comment. A lot of people have been disappointed in him.

    Wednesday, February 15, 2006

    Olympic size thought

    Who ever designed those medals should be shot. Imagine dedicating your whole life to win a event and with some luck you accomplish what will be the highlight of your life and some joker puts what can only be described as a CD around your neck. It just looks silly to me.

    Wednesday 2008: The rest of the pack

    The front runner's

    Hillary Clinton-senator NY: Obviously the front runner. She has easily the most name recognition and being first lady to the most popular president since JFK (this is from a poll I saw a month or so ago, not just something I made up)is going to be a big plus for her. Most would say it is hers for the taking.

    Mark Warner-Governor VA: This is a poor man's Hillary. I think as long as Hillary is in Warner will have a hard time to find his place. He will seem appealing to most as being a moderate, southern, popular governor.

    Also running

    John Kerry-senator MA: of course will run again, but I think it is widely accepted he had his shot and lost.

    John Edwards: Probably will run, but I think his ship sunk with Kerry's

    Joe Biden-Senator DE: Basically Hillary and Warner without the support.

    Wes Clark: Some grass roots support, but not enough to get him anywhere.

    Evan Bayh-senator IN, Bill Richardson-governor NM, Tom Vilsack-governor IA: are running, but I don't know much about them and they don't get much support in the polls.

    Al Gore: Although he says he is not running, there are still people that want to "draft" him, but I think there isn't enough of them to make him go back on his word. Also see Kerry.

    Next week: Can Feingold win?

    Tuesday, February 14, 2006

    It gets worse

    So now the guy Cheney shot has had a heart attack. Boy you go out to have a little fun shooting a bunch of caged birds and then everything goes wrong. Poor Cheney.

    More to the point I think the whole fuss about this not being reported on time goes to show this administration doesn't feel they have to answer to anybody for anything. I keep thinking what if I shot a friend while hunting without the right license and tried to hide it for a day.

    Monday, February 13, 2006

    This story has legs

    Wow it seems like the press is pretty pissed by being scooped by a small local paper. here and here.

    I hope someone askes if Cheney ever shot anyone else.

    Now if they would only care about our soldiers getting shot as much as a 78 year old millionaire we might find out why we are in Iraq.

    Sunday, February 12, 2006


    Win a hunting trip with Dick Cheney. Just read the wavier here.

    By coincidence Howard Dean on "Face the Nation" compared Cheney to Aaron Burr, not for the shooting, but as a vice president to be brought up on treason charges for leaking Valerie Wilson's name. I think it was a poor analogy, but since people know so little about Burr it will have to slide.

    Update: here is a longer story. My favorite part is
    "This is something that happens from time to time. You now, I've been peppered pretty well myself," said Armstrong.
    Thank god I don't hunt with these people.

    Saturday, February 11, 2006

    Links 2/13/06

    Al Franken has a great take on the supposed politicizing of funerals, mostly about the lies about Wellstone's with some good thoughts on King's here

    This is rather long, but very, very good. Make time to read it.

    A few years old, but this shows what kind of hunter Cheney is.

    I added Crooks and Liars to the links list. This is a good blog with an emphasis on video.

    Who would Han Solo vote for?

    Chalk it up to politics

    I read this this morning
    "U.S. first lady Laura Bush called New York Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton "out of bounds" on Saturday for a recent attack on her husband, U.S. President George W. Bush, but chalked it up to politics."
    When the first lady criticize a senator I call that out of bounds, but chalk it up to politics.

    Friday, February 10, 2006

    2 hours

    Fox is putting 4 episodes of Arrested Development on tonight and I won't be home to watch it. Oh well, I guess that is was vcr's are for.

    This could be the series finale unless showtime picks it up. I would of thought something would have been decided by now. I really hope they pick it up. This show is hilarious, easily one of if not the funniest show ever made. I think if it does get canceled in a handful of years people will watch the DVD's and wish they watched the show while it was on the air.

    Will Arnett (JOB) is interviewed on the daily show. I seen him interviewed by Conan (I think) too. He is crazy.

    Poor baby

    A bad couple of days for Bush. Abramoff is now saying he meet Bush a dozen times and had personal conversations with him. "Heck of a job Brownie" is testifying as I type that the white house knew everything going on in New Orleans as it was happening. I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is saying Cheney and "superiors" told him to leak Plame's name to the press. Update:And now there is this guy.

    I heard of die hard liberals that were going to vote for Bush in the last election because they were convinced with all the scandal's about to unfold four more years of Bush would ruin the Republican party for the next fifty years. It sure seems like they might of been right. Now just imagine if the democrat's get control of one of the houses and get subpoena power.

    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    Am I wrong?

    I watched a show the other night on PBS about Robert Williams. In the show they talked about "the kissing case" were some kids were playing and a young black boy (I couldn't find or remember the exact age, but it was around 6) kissed a young white girl. When the mother found out one of the things she did, besides get the black kids arrested and all that stuff, was scrub her daughters face.

    Similarly a while back I was watching a movie called "Introducing Dorothy Dandridge". Dorothy Dandridge was a musician, actor, dancer in the 40's and 50's. I am going from memory here so I don't know if I will get this exactly right but the point is intact. While in Vegas she was told she couldn't swim in the pool. In defiance she dipped her toe in the pool. Later that night while walking to her room after she performed she saw that the pool was drained and being scrubbed.

    My final example before I get to my point is; once again I was watching PBS, they had a show with a rare inside look at North Korea. The part that stuck with me the most was when the power went out in the family that they followed apartment the mother said something like, "Damn Americans!" Like we were the ones that turned off her power.

    Now I could lump all these things together and dismiss this as people acting foolish because of time or place, but my humble mind finds me asking myself what are the things in my life that I am convinced to be true that will one day be laughed at by other people as mere foolishness.

    I try to keep this thought in my mind as I develop and reflect on my own opinions.

    Wednesday, February 08, 2006

    Wednesday 2008: Why I support Feingold

    I am going to start a hopefully regular Wednesday post about my thoughts on the presidential election. I know it is really far away, but I find elections intriguing.

    Why I support Russ Feingold

    As those that know me or those that have read this blog have figured out I am a huge supporter of Russ Feingold. While I will admit that I vote primarily for democrat's, (although I would consider myself an independent. I will write on that some other time.) my support for Feingold has nothing to do with party affiliation and has everything to do with the man himself. Here are some of the main reasons why I support him.
      The first and probably most important reason is I agree with him on the issues. Very rarely have I found an issue that I disagree with him on.
      When he talks you know what he is saying. After to 2004 election I think it was pretty apparent that one of the main reasons Kerry lost was his ability to talk and say nothing. Leaving a large amount of voters wondering what he really stood for. Where as Feingold it is very apparent where he stands and even when he takes an unpopular stance you understand why when he explains his vote.
      He stands for something. It is said that every congressman/woman and senator dreams of being president and for the most part their votes reflect that. As the lone vote against the patriot act in a time of blind nationalism I feel pretty comfortable that Feingold will do what is right when called upon.
      Unmatched integrity. I read a article about him a few months ago (sorry I couldn't find it to give you a link) where he was speaking some place and asked for some water. One of the people there went to get him a bottle of water. A staffer of Feingold explained to him that the senator couldn't accept that and only wanted a glass of tap water because bottled water would be considered a gift. In a time of million dollar golf trips it is pretty special to find someone who thinks like this.

    Next week the other democrat's running

    Tuesday, February 07, 2006

    2 laughs 1 headache

    I have had a interesting 24 hours.

    Yesterday I had to run to the bank. After I finished my business there, I got into my car to leave. There was a person in the car next to me and I looked over to see if she was going to back up before me. When I looked over she gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up. I then realized as I was backing up to get away from the wanna be Fonzie that I was scratching my lip with my thumb that may of looked like I was giving her the thumbs up first. Anyway it was weird and I laughed all the way home.

    This morning during my morning walk I watched a goose walk on slippery ice. That was also quite humorous.

    When I got home I proceeded to attempt to put a doorbell in my house. After drilling two holes in my wall I came to the conclusion that putting a doorbell into a hundred year old house was just not going to happen. In frustration I gave up. While walking by my telephone I noticed a light blinking. After some investigating I realized I had somehow cut my phone line. Because the guy I bought the house from is a complete idiot I had to run a complete new phone line with my friend Murphy and his law. I got so frustrated I gave myself a headache.

    I enjoyed the laughs, but can go without the headaches

    Sunday, February 05, 2006

    Links 2/06/06

    Here is a counter of the cost of the Iraq war.

    Here is a article about Dave Chappelle that I found interesting. They seemed to just report he went crazy and then we didn't hear anymore about it, but that doesn't seem to be the way it was at all.

    Some good cartoons

    For those of you that have a post 1776 mentality, you should sign this

    another Feingold post on Kos. Here is a speech Feingold gave on the senate floor about wire tapping. It is a little long but very good.

    The $239,000,000,000 gift

    This morning while watching the new majority house leader John Boehner on Meet the Press, I heard him say:
    "helping the Iraqi people learn to govern themselves is not easy. But the effort here is meaningful, worthwhile, and it may not benefit our generation, but for our kids and theirs, this may be the greatest gift that we give them."
    My first thought was that will hardly make up for the huge deficit that we are forcing on them, then I thought this is a big part of the deficit we are handing them. So basically what he is saying here is our gift to you, now pay for it

    Saturday, February 04, 2006

    A tale of two movies

    I watched the movie "The Life of David Gale" last night. I had seen it once before in the theaters, but I will get to that in a minute. What strikes me so much about this movie is how it is two completely different movies combined together.

    The David Gale part of the story, played by Kevin Spacey, is an interesting, thought provoking, entertaining look at a antideath penalty activist who's life slips out of control after a false rape charge and eventually finds himself on death row for allegedly murdering and raping a co-activist. I thought this part of the movie was done really well with some great acting by Spacey.

    Then there is the other part of the movie. A reporter, played by Kate Winslet, has 3 days to interview Gale before he is executed. In contrast to the other part, the story with Winslet's character is cheesy, over the top and poorly acted. There is also a couple of scenes where she is running that can only be described as comical. One in particular has her running, after her car breaks down, from a rural area to the city with important evidence. I would estimate it was a distance of 5 miles (that is being fair, I would really say 10) and she did this in 20 minutes. That is a pretty good clip for someone wearing dress clothes.

    For my birthday I usually go to a movie. This was the movie I went to see when it came out. I was so disappointed that the next week I went to see a different movie. Although I should say that this is almost worth a watch just to see the complete contrast between a well thought out, intriguing story and the normal small minded, simplistic crap they feed to the mainstream.

    I thought it was funny at 3 am

    I woke up around 3 am and couldn't fall back to sleep this morning. I turned on the TV and started watching a show on the National Geographic channel about elephants. The narrator said and I am paraphrasing "People have been using elephants for war long before Lord of the Rings". I really think he should of said before LOTR was written since I am pretty sure LOTR wasn't a time in our history. Not to mention those technical weren't elephants in LOTR.

    Friday, February 03, 2006

    The "what the.." second

    Last week in an attempt to conserve energy and leave a smaller footprint on this planet I switched most of the light bulbs in my house to the fluorescent one's that are suppose to use something like 70% less energy than regular light bulbs. I bought mostly the cheap ones, but spent almost twice as much for three that I would use in strategic places where I was trying to avoid the pale light that normal comes from fluorescent bulbs. Well it turns out that the cheaper bulbs were almost the same color as my normal lights and the expensive ones look like the light I was trying to avoid. I guess it was good I only go three of those.

    Now the thing about these light bulbs is it takes about one second from the time you flip the switch until the light goes on. It is just long enough for me to think something is wrong and say in my head "what the..." and as I am just starting to lift my hand to try the switch again, the light, in a mocking fashion goes on. I have had these for about a week and a half and still find myself doing it. Oh how light mocks me.

    Thursday, February 02, 2006

    The monkey-dog project is a go

    I feel a bit silly for leaving this part out of my SOTE post
    A hopeful society has institutions of science and medicine that do not cut ethical corners, and that recognize the matchless value of every life. Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research: human cloning in all its forms, creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating human-animal hybrids...

    While this will stop work on the human-dog experiments the monkey-dog is still a go.

    Wednesday, February 01, 2006

    State of the Empire

    Last night I found myself reminiscing about the evenings of my youth sitting around wanting to watch Alf, but instead Ronald Reagan was rambling about something that as a nine year old I could care less about. Maybe in the same way that the hill you use to ride your bike down as a kid is no longer as big as you remember, it seems to me that old #40 was always interrupting my favorite sitcoms. Maybe that is why I despise republicans so.

    Fast forward a little over a decade later, as I was coming into my political own, I decided I should watch all of my president's prime time addresses, no matter how much I disagree with the individual holding that office. For the most part I have accomplished that. I might have missed one or two, but for the most part I have watched them all. Which is no small feet considering they have all been by a president that I don't see eye to eye with and no longer trust.

    So anyway this is how I ended up last night sitting in front of my television watching George W. Bush promoting empire, proposing hollow insincere programs that I am sure he has no intention on following through with and criticize partisan politics then comically going straight into a partisan attack. Then there is the clapping, oh my god the clapping. Is it really necessary to waste my time listening to you clap. It is no secret who favors what and who disagrees with what. Please save all applause for the end.

    I once again felt like a nine year old boy wishing there was something else on.