Monday, November 26, 2007

To the End,

I wrote a query letter for a short story I wrote this week. For some strange reason the next couple of days I would have a moment where I would wonder if I would get a response. Then I would remember it was only a first draft and I didn't even mail it yet. It seems like I've been waiting for a lot of things that don't happen lately.

Anyways this is the end of Jontown. This is my last post. I feel it has run it course. Maybe this will just be a sabbatical, but right now I doubt it. As Cris Coopers character said in Adaptation, "Fuck fish!"

Thanks for reading. Cheers!

(I wrote this a few weeks back, but took some time to think about it. Somewhat surprisingly I had no regrets and got a bit anxious to end this. I will leave the site up as long as blogspot lets me, but will take my name off it.)

January 23 2006- November 26 2007
348 posts


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will be missed.

5:42 PM  

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