Tuesday, February 07, 2006

2 laughs 1 headache

I have had a interesting 24 hours.

Yesterday I had to run to the bank. After I finished my business there, I got into my car to leave. There was a person in the car next to me and I looked over to see if she was going to back up before me. When I looked over she gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up. I then realized as I was backing up to get away from the wanna be Fonzie that I was scratching my lip with my thumb that may of looked like I was giving her the thumbs up first. Anyway it was weird and I laughed all the way home.

This morning during my morning walk I watched a goose walk on slippery ice. That was also quite humorous.

When I got home I proceeded to attempt to put a doorbell in my house. After drilling two holes in my wall I came to the conclusion that putting a doorbell into a hundred year old house was just not going to happen. In frustration I gave up. While walking by my telephone I noticed a light blinking. After some investigating I realized I had somehow cut my phone line. Because the guy I bought the house from is a complete idiot I had to run a complete new phone line with my friend Murphy and his law. I got so frustrated I gave myself a headache.

I enjoyed the laughs, but can go without the headaches


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