Wednesday, November 29, 2006

One step shy of perfection,

I think I need a muse or a million dollars, maybe then I could get stuff done.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


My hunting trip is over, which is good. I don't think my body could take much more, actually I am a little sick right now. Who would of thought that lack of sleep, drinking, smoking, sitting in the cold (well not that cold this year), walking around in a marsh would be so hard on a body in such prime shape as mine is.

This morning I went and got new glasses. The eye doctor was listening to some right wing nut on the radio and as if that wasn't bad enough she called me a "blinker". Well I never! I mean I know I was blinking since the eye drops weren't making it in my eye and I closed my eye twice on that blue light, but I don't think she had to say it.

Some links;

NBC has decided to call Iraq a civil war. I find this intriguing that this chicken shit news organization that goes out of its way not to ruffle any right wing feathers, decided to do this virtually out of no where. At least I am unaware of any presser to make this move. But good for them, they are almost a legit news organization.

This is somewhere between really funny and really disturbing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


(both videos)

As someone who has told a few jokes that ended up being more offensive than funny I can sympathize with the guy. Although he went pretty far over the line. The Letterman apology is uncomfortable to watch. Some in the audience didn't realize that he was actually apologizing and Seinfeld had to tell them to stop laughing.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Good one Abbey,

As I am trying to finish reading "The Monkey Wrench Gang" before I go hunting this weekend I came across this great passage;
...If only the bastard would talk to me.
"Say something," she said.
"Gimme back my beer."

Something tells me this is how the relationship ends, but I still found it funny.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bringing the rock,

I have to put this picture up to change my profile picture. I think the monkey has run its course. Although it looks like I am bringing the rock, I was really punching my liver with the black Irish. So it was less rock and more drunk. Such is life.

Oh and thanks Super Trooper for the photo.

Apparently Super Trooper (Aaron) didn't take the picture anonymous did, which I am guessing is Carey. So thanks Carey or who ever took the picture.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

If I was on TV,

This would happen all the time if I was on the television.

Feingold says no,

The big problem will picking a candidate to support four years away from an election is;
I want you to know that I've decided to continue my role as Wisconsin's Junior Senator in the U.S. Senate and not to seek the Democratic nomination for President in 2008.

(full letter)

I was kind of expecting it. In a way I am glad that he is not going to run. I think it would of been half hearted, since he basically endorsed Obama, and I think a half hearted run would hurt the progressive movement more than it would help it. I think more of these letters are going to come out in the next month (including one from Hillary) to make room for the big democrat star Barack Obama. Although I will wait to see who is actually going to run before I pick my next preferred candidate.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Election results,

As election day has passed by and for the first time since I started voting pretty much every election went my way. I was still left feeling a bit disappointed that the hate amendment passed. It really won't effect my life, but I still don't like that my state has fallen prey to petty hate. Especially since it already exist in this state. However I came across this kos post (original M.J.S. story) that made me feel a lot better, if not flat out good about losing.

Some other kos post that I found interesting lately;

Here is a look at 2008 senate picture where the democrat's should be able to make more gains.

I call this the Gore bit-back. Of course both candidates have since conceded. I wonder if these quotes played a small part in that.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Simpsons,

Walking in great shadows to the polls,

This morning I walked to the polls and had the honor of being the 72 vote in Waukesha's 6th district. I like to walk to the polls because it makes me feel more like Benjamin Franklin. I imagine the revolutionary characters partaking in the earth shaking ideal that the masses gets to decide who runs the show and strike my vote with the angry fist of an underrepresented lefty in a country that has gone far right. Once again with hope in my heart that things will change, but with the deep down feeling that tomorrow morning will greet me with disappointment once again. Anyway today I chose freedom unlike the majority that will lazily stay at home.

This isn't the year for democrat's. Although they will probably take the house and get close with a slight possibility of taking the senate, this was a bad cycle for the republican party to fall apart for the democrat's. The next two cycles have more republican's running than democrat's leaving bigger opportunity's for senate gains. So maybe this will be the start of a six year Democrat dominance in congress. If they do like they say and pass meaningful legislation on heathcare, energy independence and clean up the corruption in Washington (well two out of three isn't bad) they should be able to take back the country.

Then there will be the 2008 presidential election. My new prediction for the democrats is in the next month all the candidates will fall out of the way for the only democrat powerhouse Barack Obama. He merely mentioned that he might consider running for president and it made all the national news. I still favor Feingold and will vote for him if he still is in the primary when it reaches Wisconsin, but I don't think he is going to run after reading this quote
"I will run if I want to run, regardless of who else is running. But I will tell you, seeing Barack Obama considering running gives me comfort. If I decided not to run, it makes me feel good, it makes me very happy to see him thinking about running. . . . If he came up to me and asked me, should he run . . . I might tell him, 'It's a good thing.' "
As for the republican's they look even more spread apart than before.