Monday, November 12, 2007


I reread Into the Wild last week. I was reading literary journals and wasn't really enjoying that, I just feel I should. Anyway for reasons that are much longer than interesting, I decided to reread Into the Wild. One reason was I wanted to see how close the book followed the movie. The movie defiantly was a fictional account with events slightly altered, but it stayed pretty true to the written words.

Anyways as I was reading about the travels of Alexander Supertramp, I was reminded of a trip I took to New Orleans quite a few years ago. The last night we were sitting in a bar that me and my companions took to. I was a little tired and was kind of spacing out. I started listening to the people sitting next to me. It was a guy and a girl who seemed to be more acquainted with each other than actually friends. They were talking about hard drugs with the casualness that I talk about alcohol. After a little while the guy said he had a car and was trying to get money together to go to some city far away (I want to say San Fransisco, but it was a long time ago) he wanted her to come with him. He wanted to go that night, just like that. The whole conversation blew my mind that people lived like that. Of course there was never a mention of Chris McCandless using drugs and his drinking came across as purely social, but there was something about it that didn't seem all that different to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe...kinda like how two guys on that trip wanted everything planned out, such as lodging, and two just wanted to go and figure it out when they got there ;)

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, maybe we can all take a little from each other and find the middle ground. it's always good to be prepared, including being prepared to go with the flow. so much learned in ten years.

4:42 PM  

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