Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wednesday 2008: Why I support Feingold

I am going to start a hopefully regular Wednesday post about my thoughts on the presidential election. I know it is really far away, but I find elections intriguing.

Why I support Russ Feingold

As those that know me or those that have read this blog have figured out I am a huge supporter of Russ Feingold. While I will admit that I vote primarily for democrat's, (although I would consider myself an independent. I will write on that some other time.) my support for Feingold has nothing to do with party affiliation and has everything to do with the man himself. Here are some of the main reasons why I support him.
    The first and probably most important reason is I agree with him on the issues. Very rarely have I found an issue that I disagree with him on.
    When he talks you know what he is saying. After to 2004 election I think it was pretty apparent that one of the main reasons Kerry lost was his ability to talk and say nothing. Leaving a large amount of voters wondering what he really stood for. Where as Feingold it is very apparent where he stands and even when he takes an unpopular stance you understand why when he explains his vote.
    He stands for something. It is said that every congressman/woman and senator dreams of being president and for the most part their votes reflect that. As the lone vote against the patriot act in a time of blind nationalism I feel pretty comfortable that Feingold will do what is right when called upon.
    Unmatched integrity. I read a article about him a few months ago (sorry I couldn't find it to give you a link) where he was speaking some place and asked for some water. One of the people there went to get him a bottle of water. A staffer of Feingold explained to him that the senator couldn't accept that and only wanted a glass of tap water because bottled water would be considered a gift. In a time of million dollar golf trips it is pretty special to find someone who thinks like this.

Next week the other democrat's running


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