Tuesday, February 21, 2006

President's Day T.V. review

As you all know yesterday was President's Day and the networks were once again clogged with programming about our past president's. I was able to watch all the shows and here is a mini-review of what I saw;

NBC decided instead of ice dancing in the Olympics to air "Three Hours For 30 Days". I know the Olympics ratings are down, but I feel putting a three hour show about William Henry Harrison's thirty days in office before he died was a bad choice. Even I was bored.

CBS had some interesting shows, starting of with "McKinley's Large Shadow", where they discussed how McKinley was the only president to be replaced with a better man after he was assassinated. Next was "1908, The Year The Party's Changed", exploring Theodore Roosevelt handing over the presidency to William Taft which switched the Republican party from the progressive party to the conservative party so much so that Roosevelt ran against Taft four years latter in the new Bull Moose party in one of the most wide open elections ever. Next they got a little blue with "Democrat's With Their Dicks Hanging Out", where they detailed the extramarital affairs of democrat's. Starting with the first democrat, Thomas Jefferson's affair with his slave (and rumored half-sister inlaw) Sally Hemings, to Franklin Roosevelt's affair with Lucy Mercer, then on to John Kennedy's many rumored affairs and of course ending with Bill Clinton's highly published affair with someone (I don't remember who and couldn't find the name anywhere).

Fox started with "Nixon, The Crimes That Destroyed Him" well at first this sounds like a typical show showing how Nixon went astray and ended up resigning, Fox instead went after Frank Wills, Mark Felt, Daniel Ellsberg and Woodward and Bernstein and blamed them for all of Nixon's problems. After that was "Ronald Reagan; Greatest President Ever", which was a bunch of right wing talking heads boasting about how great they thought Reagan was. Then what I thought was a repeat of the same show was "Ronald Reagan; Greatest Man Ever", which was the same right wing talking heads only adding stronger adjectives to their previous points.

It was a good night to watch T.V.
(for the sake of clarity I should note none of this really happened)


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