Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm not alone

Al Franken agrees with me
Kyle, Colorado Springs, Colo.: What do you see as the essential piece for the Democratic party putting their presidential candidate into the White House?

Franken: Nominating someone who is authentic. I think that a lot of presidential politics unfortunately is casting. I think you want someone people trust and like and means what they say and says what they mean. I actually kinda like Barack Obama. I know, I know, he won't run, but I like him. I think people inherently get a feel from him that he's the real deal. I don't think that's in short supply, but I think you need someone who projects that. I think Russ Feingold is someone who stands on principle and people know that. I think there's a lot of good candidates and I wanna see how it kinda sorts it self out.
I know a liberal outspoken radio announcer doesn't seem like a big deal, but Franken is a status quo democrat. If nothing else this shows how much Feingold is becoming mainstream.

Oh and by the way I think he is a year late on the Obama comment. A lot of people have been disappointed in him.


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