Tuesday, November 28, 2006


My hunting trip is over, which is good. I don't think my body could take much more, actually I am a little sick right now. Who would of thought that lack of sleep, drinking, smoking, sitting in the cold (well not that cold this year), walking around in a marsh would be so hard on a body in such prime shape as mine is.

This morning I went and got new glasses. The eye doctor was listening to some right wing nut on the radio and as if that wasn't bad enough she called me a "blinker". Well I never! I mean I know I was blinking since the eye drops weren't making it in my eye and I closed my eye twice on that blue light, but I don't think she had to say it.

Some links;

NBC has decided to call Iraq a civil war. I find this intriguing that this chicken shit news organization that goes out of its way not to ruffle any right wing feathers, decided to do this virtually out of no where. At least I am unaware of any presser to make this move. But good for them, they are almost a legit news organization.

This is somewhere between really funny and really disturbing.


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