Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Follow up thoughts

The coverage for this Woodruff guy is ridiculous. I have no ill feelings toward the guy or think he deserves it or anything, but if they covered the soldiers or the Iraq's citizens this way all we would be hearing about is people getting wounded or dying in Iraq. As it is we rarely hear mention anymore of someone getting hurt or dying until it gets to a number with zeroes at the end. Then again if I botched the coverage going into the war like the mainstream media did I would want to down play it also. UPDATE: Came across this on kos. Somewhat conspiratorial, but worth a read.

As for the mine story I don't mean to say that unions will save everyone in the mining industry. From what I have read it is a very dangerous career that will always have some amount of risk. I was just struck by the extreme difference between the groups. The guys in Canada seemed to barely be inconvenience by the event, sitting around in airtight containers, playing checkers with all the food they could eat. While the American miners had some sort of curtain to protect them in the dark, with just their body heat to keep them warm.


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