Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Canada goes Conservative

As you may have seen the conservative party won the election in Canada yesterday. However I think this can be miss interpreted in our country. The conservatives won because the liberals had ethical/corruption problems. I find the results of this election very promising for the democrat's to make some big gains in November.

I keep hearing from the media that because of gerrymandering there isn't that many competitive seats. But I am not buying it. Corruption is corruption and the republicans have way too many scandal's unfolding this year to hope for partisan voters to unitedly stick behind them. I don't think their core will vote democratic. I just think they will stay home.

However I don't feel the democrats will gain control of anything. I think they will get close to gaining control in congress but end up a few seats shy and will gain about four senate seats. 2008 will be their big year.

We shall see what happens. There is a lot that is going to happen between now and November. I just wanted to get some predictions down.

It took me five post until I wrote about politics. You had to see it coming.


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