Monday, June 18, 2007

It's a new age,

I was pretty pissed off when I had to buy a new graphics card for my computer to play Civ. 4. It's a strategy game why do I need expensive graphics? But now I can link a TV to my computer and watch movies online from netflix. It has some minor draw backs. The quality isn't as good as a DVD, but close enough and I have to use my computer speakers (I'm not going to buy a new sound card). I tried it out last night and only made it two thirds of the way through a movie. All that technology can't make a stupid story line and bad acting any better.

Now if that wasn't progressing enough, today I went and bought my first cell phone. It is one of the cheapest I could find with prepay minutes. You know like what drug dealers use. I plan on using it very rarely. The big reason I got it is so when I get laid off I can call the hall and get put on the list right away. Two guys on the job that I am currently at, got laid off the same day I did at Bayshore, but started on this job a month before me because they had cell phones and called right away. Not owning a cell phone cost me a lot of money. So I got right on it and whamo eight months later I got a cell phone.

Whats next for me mechanical legs?



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