Wednesday, May 30, 2007


My union voted down the contract offer last night and will begin striking next week. I'm not sure if they'll be calling on me, since our company is from out of town and doesn't really have a say in the contract negotiations, but I don't know that for sure right now. More than likely I will just have to pay $100 a week into a strike fund.

I am the rare nay vote amongst my coworkers. I have a hard time relating to these guys. We have a lot going our way this time and I feel that we have been given the shaft on our last couple of contracts, but these guys just don't seem to have the guts to do anything about it. I was a bit frustrated this morning, I seem to have a low tolerance to frustration lately, but as the day went on I started to feel a little better. Then right at the end of the day I needed a sprinkler fitter to more a hanger for me and he expressed his support and hope that we stick to the strike, mainly because their contract is up in a month. As we talked I got some comfort from talking to someone of a similar mindset. I wish my coworkers were more like him.


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