Thursday, June 14, 2007


By the time last week Friday rolled around I was sick of being sick, pissed off at my union, coworkers and the companies because of the contract. So I decided to battle my cold with a healthy dose of brandy. Mostly this just left me really hungover Saturday.

I was planning on staying in Saturday night and not drinking to battle the healthy dose of brandy the night before. I was about twenty minutes into a movie called Diggers when a friend called me out to the bar. I was a bit surprised by this, she normally only talks to me when she wants me to tell a guy she wants to break up with that she use to be a guy. As we watch the band play who should walk in, but Santa. Obviously visiting Milwaukee on his summer vacation. And wouldn't you know it Santa likes to dance. Santa's dancing reminded me of a line from Against Me!'s song Reinventing Axle Rose,
we would dance like no one was watching, with one fist in the air.
Well he didn't have one fist in the air and thank god there was women present. That kind of of rebellion from such a beloved figure would surely result in bedlam. But there can be no doubt he was dancing like no one was looking. But people were looking and some even joined in, including presidential hopeful, GOP frontrunner and long shot at the same time Rudy Giuliani (I won't believe the GOP will nominate a pro gay, pro life candidate until I see it). Well the evening proved to be better than the movie ended up being, but Christmas will never be the same again.

As if that wasn't enough craziness yesterday while walking around my city, I seen a man on all fours in a park. My first thought was this is just another crazy. I have come across many crazies on my walks. One time I saw a girl running around the same park with the great joy of childhood. Which is great, but this person was around my age and really shouldn't have been having that much fun running is circles with her arms out. Then there was the guy rolling around the lawn of some government building in just soccer shorts with an almost empty bottle of vodka by his side. And all this happening in the holy hours of the morning. So anyways I see this guy on all fours and as I get closer I realize a women's involved. As I get even closer he sits up for a second and I see her shit is pushed up and I realize he isn't kissing her lips. From the angle that I was walking up on them I couldn't see exactly what was going on, even though they were only a few feet off the footpath.

To see the act I would've had to walk past and turned around. There would be no causal view from the direction I was heading. I'd have past on the free park pornography. I assume these were some sort of exhibitionist and probably wouldn't mind me watching, but you just never know. He was a big guy and maybe he didn't realize this was a public park. I didn't want to chance a fight with a fully aroused guy. I could just see the head line "Super Cool Guy Attacked By Man With Erection!" The late night guys would have a field day at my expense. Besides seeing ugly people naked is what the Internet was made for not parks.



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