Monday, April 09, 2007

My favorite movies,

I had this great idea that I should read the books for my favorite movies; Trainspotting, Brothers of the Head, The Dancer Upstairs. But first I started with Fight Club and lets just say it was a less then stellar start. The thought behind this idea was that I would get much more story and since I liked the movies so much I should like the book that much more. We have all heard or said, "It wasn't as good as the book." However the problem with Fight Club was reading the book was almost like reading the screen play. The book was basically the same as the movie. There was a couple minor differences and the ending was a little different, but basically it was the movie. I don't want to sound down on the book, it is a great story. It's just after watching the movie umpteen times, I was hoping for more. I think I will try Dancer Upstairs next, but I have a lot of other books to read before I get to that and I have to order it because I couldn't find it at any of the book stores I went to.

After Fight Club I started reading Walden, but think I will put that aside and wait for a layoff or peck away at it during the weekend. It isn't a good book for the weeknight when I am already a little bit sleepy and worn out.


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