Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A slave no more,

Last Friday night I realized my refrigerator, after making funny noises for a couple of days, no longer was able to keep the products in my freezer as firm as I demand my frozen food to be. I was also at the beginning of one of those much dreaded summer cold so I just left it for the next day. Saturday I had to work overtime and when I got home the summer cold put me in bed until the early evening. When I woke up I fooled myself in thinking that I was going to go to the store and buy a refrigerator. Then ten minutes later I realized that was just foolish. I was too tired, sick and lazy to leave the house that night. So instead I emptied the occupants of my refrigerator into a garbage bag. At first it was a little depressing to throw unopened food away, but as I started to realize most of the packages in my refrigerator where things that I probably would never actually eat and should have thrown away a long time ago it started to feel therapeutic.

Anyways, Sunday rolls around and I head off to a store known for selling refrigerators (advertising isn't free in Jontown). As I looked through their selection I came across the upside down refrigerators (freezer on bottom) although ideally would of liked to get one of these I realized that they were too expensive for me. Or were they? I found one that was only a little bit higher then what I wanted to pay. As I opened the door the sale was complete as I realized I WILL NEVER HAVE TO BEND OVER TO GET A BEER AGAIN. I am a bottom shelf beer slave no more. The sale was made.

They will deliver the refrigerator tonight and I was so excited that I called in sick to work today. Well maybe it was the summer cold that had me sleeping from four o'clock last night to noon thirty today, letting my strange imagination entertain my slumbering mind with bizarre tales that give me a chuckle as I reflect back on.


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