Monday, April 24, 2006

The blog's I don't write,

I had an outline for a rant on Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" all worked out, but there is just not enough time in the day for a working man to spend time writing. After three attempts I finally gave up on that fucking book for good. When she was talking about how all her protagonists (in my opinion antagonist) were going on strike and how the CEO's never went on strike before (no shit! when you have everything there is no reason to go on strike), I turned it off in complete disgust. She obviously has no idea what it is like to do manual labor for a living and knows nothing about going on strike. Not to mention the bloody history of the labor movement. Fucking simplistic bitch, I am glad she is dead.

I watch Ken Lay and all the other CEO's going on trial and I see Ayn Rand disciples. I see record high gas prices matched by record high profits and four million dollar pensions and I see Rand disciples. I see the dirt under my fingernails, the cuts on my hand and feel the soreness in my legs, then I look at my petty wage (compared to the fore mentioned). I don't have the patience or tolerance for her selfishness lecture.

NOTE: This was going to be about how I don't write as much as I want to anymore, but as you can see the rant came out. Instead of changing the beginning I figure I would just leave it the way it is.


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