Friday, March 10, 2006

Random Friday thoughts,


I had to read the first chapter for "Time Travelers Wife" for my class. If anyone close by me has this book let me know. I would like to read it. The first chapter was very interesting.

As I am reading "Angles and Demons" I find it really funny how wrong he got the coverage of the Pope's death. He repeatedly talks about how little attention it is getting until... Well I won't give anything away, but I specifically remember that nothing else in the world happened until a new pope was name when John Paul died. At least according to all three major channels nightly news coverage.


Last weekend I watched "Junebug" and "Serenity". Junebug I felt was short on a lot of the story, while Serenity gave too much away. I think that has more to do with Serenity being part of a series. They left room for more movies, but also put them in a spot where they can end it. If they want to make more (and I hope they do) they should of not answered so many questions.


I think one of the funnies things I heard coming out of Washington after the 04 election was Bush talking about all the capitol he had gained. The media ate it up and regurgitate it like fact in their typical spineless way. This guy won elections by the slimmest of margins and both election were not without controversy. He may have won the election and gained seats in the senate, but he didn't win over any opposition. In fact he probably gained opposition. So when he went forth with his fringe policies and exposed to a lot of people just how fanatic the Republican party has become, his approval dropped and now there is all sorts of stories about where did his capitol go. The answer is he never had it. If he was a smart politician he would of realized that he didn't have as much support from the public as he did on the hill and would reached across the isle. Then again I did say if he was a smart politician.

So there is this nut case running for congress. I went to his website to see if he was actually a republican or just running as a third party and found this;

My concept of family is the same as the one God ordained in the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago -- one man, married to one woman, with so many children as God should see fit to entrust to their care.

What does that mean? He is pro-incest?


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