Monday, March 06, 2006

Pretty good,

For the most part I got all my Oscar picks right. I did get best actor and actress wrong but that was only because of the higher standard I set for playing a real person. I would of picked Philip Seymour Hoffman if I didn't do that, but I am going to stick by my Felicity Huffman pick. I also picked Street Fight to win best documentary, but I knew penguins would win. I just liked Street Fight a lot more.

Over the weekend there seemed to be a right wing agenda to trash the Oscar's and make Hollywood seem out of touch with mainstream America. There was many predictions that ratings would be really bad. I did a search this morning to see if I could find out what they really were and couldn't find a real news articles. Instead I found a bunch of right wing websites saying they were really low with no source backing up their claims. So I don't know if the ratings were bad or good or the same. There probably will be something out about it later. The funny thing to me is all these right wingers that complain about Hollywood's influence and all that stuff. If I was trying to fight someone's influence while I was in control of everything I probably wouldn't talk about it so much. I guess if they didn't have anything to complain about they would actually have to come up with idea's of their own and it has been proven that they just don't have any.


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