Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wednesday 2008; The Republicans

First off I should say I don't follow the Republican's as much so keep that in mind.

Senator John McCain of Arizona; The front runner. The big question for me is, can he convince the republican's that he really is a conservative (which he without a doubt is) and at the same time have the rest of the country believe the biggest myth in Washington that he is a moderate. He is going to have to straddle a lot of fences. Also he will be two years older than Reagan was at the start of his presidency and I believe he has some health issues (although I am not sure what). In the end much like Clinton I wouldn't be surprise if he doesn't even run.
Senator George Allen of Virginia; If I had to pick I would say this will be their guy. A strict party guy from a red leaning swing state. Very dull. He will have to be given the votes, I don't think he can earn it.
Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee; With a large majority in the senate he has been able to get a surprising little amount accomplished. I think his boat is sunk.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia; His name is out there, but he resigned in disgrace. If Larry Flint can bring him down I don't think he has much of a chance.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani; Although he is always in the top 3 in polls he is pro-life and pro-gay rights. There is no way a republican can win with that record.
Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska; A true moderate republican. Sorry Chuck your party is to extreme right now for a guy like you. Maybe in 12.
Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana; I know very little about him, but I think he will be a top contender. Possible dark horse candidate.
Dr. Condoleezza Rice, current U.S. Secretary of State; She has denied running so much that it will be an issue if she decides to run. Although her potions are mostly unknown I have heard her referred to as a closet liberal. I also just do not see the republican party nominating a black woman, as the saying goes; not all republican's are racist, but all racist are republican's.
Governor George Pataki of New York,Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts; Eastcoast governor's. Giuliani will get it before either of these guys.
Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado; two guys I have never heard of until finding a list for this post.

In the end I think it is going to be between McCain, Allen and Pence, with the possibility of someone coming out of no where.


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