Friday, March 03, 2006

Holly Balls!

I was watching a little of Leno last night while Salma Hayeek was on. The interview mostly bored me. So after I got a good look at... uh lets say her dress, I flipped over to Letterman and watched that for a while. When Letterman went to commercial I flipped back to Leno in time to see a clip from Salma's new movie. The clip looked interesting, but when they said the name of the movie Ask The Dust my head exploded. Ask the Dust is a John Fante book I read some years back. It is one of my favorite books. I had always thought that is was pretty obscure and to hear they made a movie out of it really caught me off guard. Not only did they make it into a movie but they got some big names; besides Salma, Colin Farrell plays the lead. As you can tell I am really excited about this and hope that it is released in the Milwaukee area.

Everyone should see this movie or better yet read the book.


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