Thursday, October 11, 2007

Nothing Happening,

As I was drinking talking politics in a bar (ironically named White House) last weekend my friend said something I've been thinking for some time. Nothing is really happening, it seems like everyone is just waiting for the next election. A few things have come up for renewal, but besides that it's just boring. I kind of understand it, the president has dug his heals in, so for anything to go through the Democrats would need a super majority and republicans just don't do that. So everyone is waiting for the next election when the democrats will gain seats in the senate and probably get the white house. I'd guess congress would stay blue or slightly shift shades one way or the other, but I'm just not a big enough wanker to make a prediction on 435 seats (wow I guessed at that number and got it right). Although this stagnate period will probably be over shortly since primaries will be starting right after the new year.

I think the only thing for me that has changed is instead of favoring Edwards with an eye on Obama. I've decided that since my state has a late primary and probably won't matter that I can just vote for whoever is the strongest against Hilary candidate.

But anyways with a lack of politics to write about and trying to put up at least a couple of posts a week, I'm going to start what I've wanted to do for a while write reviews books that I read. I've always meant to do this, but for some reason never got around to it. I don't read very fast so it will probably be around one a month depending on length and interest. Usually I rotate between fiction and nonfiction. It won't be so much a traditional review of the book more of my thoughts and impressions of the book. I got only about twenty pages left in my current book so look for a review this weekend.



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