Friday, October 12, 2007

The Character of Cars,

As I walk down Wisconsin to work every morning I walk past all my coworkers cars. Some tell me interesting stories.

The fitter boss has all these sports type cars. I think he could drive a different car to work every day of the week. But each one is a pile of shit; bondoed, bolted and rusted together. I don't know why he doesn't just concentrate on one and make it a decent car.

There is a nice trunk if you like that kind of thing. It has a camouflage wind thing on the hood and camouflage runner along the side. And not just any camouflage, I'm sure it has a name like north forest camouflage. It strikes me that whoever owns this truck's favorite color is camouflage. How twisted.

In the same vane is the guy who has a arrow shaft for his antenna.

Usually on my walk home I notice a beat little car with a moose and international crane foundation sticker on the back. I look in the window and see an iron worker book. An iron worker conservationist, wow! As different I am from you an iron worker is from me. Pretty impressive. He gets there before me and leaves after so I've never seen the guy, but would love to put a face to the car.

Also where I park in the morning is where the nursing college students park and I realize this world is getting noticeably younger.



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