Thursday, January 04, 2007

Big day,

So much for the slow news days during the holidays where we got excessive coverage of a minor presidents death and it snowing in Colorado. I don't live in Colorado so I don't care if it is snowing or not, as for our recently departed president how many days does it take to say he was a nice guy (which is pretty much the only thing anyone is saying about him). Plus he screwed up my netflix with the extra no mail day.

Today however the news is overflowing. The democrats officially take over the senate and congress and for the first time a women is head of the house. Then another big mysterious shake up at the white house; Harriet Miers resigns, some theories. John Negroponte gets demoted, some (conspiracy?) theories on this most mysterious move.

To me it looks like Bush is using the big day to hid some stories.

This is my favorite story about the new congress so far. Keith Ellison is the first Muslim elected to go to congress. He said in his private swearing in ceremony he was going to use a Koran instead of a bible. Of course the intolerant right went nuts and Virgil Goode, a congressman from Virgina, wrote a letter to his constituents saying;
"...if American citizens don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran."
As it turns out Keith Ellison's family has been in the U.S. since 1742. Damn immigrants. And turns out that Koran that he was going to use is coming from the Library of Congress and was donated by Thomas Jefferson. Where is congressman's Ellison sense of tradition.


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