Thursday, December 28, 2006

Beef Jerkey,

My Christmas was pretty good and I have been spending my time eating beef jerky and watching my new Arrested Development DVDs killing time waiting for the next holiday at the end of the week.

America's only nominated president, Gerald Ford, died. So they spent a day building him up being the big republican who got a bad deal. He gave us Rumsfeld and Cheney and pardoned Nixon and oh how conservative. Then the next day Woodward drops the not so fast story right on them. Apparently he wasn't to keen on the Iraq war. I had heard somewhere around the republican convention in '04 that besides his failing health he either refused to go or wasn't invited because the party had veered so far right of him, who was in his time considered very right wing. Although I don't have anything to back that up and don't even really remember who said it, this kind of tells me it is right.

John Edwards announces his run for president today. I voted for him in the primaries last time and am a big fan of what he is trying to do with his two America's thing. I just think there might be too much baggage from running with Kerry, plus his being from the south and probably won't be able to turn too much blue down there. Then again I wanted a twice divorced, Jew to run, so maybe I shouldn't go on about being unwinable. We will see if Edwards can convince me over the unknown stances of Obama. Those are the two guys that I am currently considering.


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