Friday, December 01, 2006

To live this life,

I am glad I don't have a job today. I shoveled my driveway this morning and it kicked my ass. And now there is another couple inches of snow and no sign of it letting up. It would really suck if I had to deal with that after hanging tin for eight hours.

I got my hair cut yesterday by a black lady with hair so white that it could only of been a wig. She wasn't old enough for it to be age and I am telling you there is no hair dye on earth that good. I wanted to give it a good tug to see, but that would of been inappropriate. I am also not ruling out that she is a movie star researching a role for some movie because her hair covered her face good enough that I couldn't get a good look at her. It had been a long time since I had gotten my hair cut. Now it is really short and it is cold out so my head is cold. My patience with having a beard is wearing thin so pretty soon my face will be cold. That is OK though it will match my cold, cold heart. I also got my new glasses yesterday, but that was mostly uneventful. I imagine I will be a little sad now, missing my old glasses.

I bought a pineapple at the store the other day, because well I like pineapple. However now I have all this pineapple and don't know if I will be able to eat it all before it goes bad. I ate about a quarter of it last night. I think that was a bit much in one sitting, my mouth was a little swollen after that. Oh the problems of food shopping for one.

Barack Obama is going to be on Leno tonight. I would assume he is going to announce he is running for president. In a way I hope he does because I think he is the closest thing we will get to a progressive in the White House, but I am cautious as David Sirota writes at Kos, he is very unproven. Although I should say I am a more optimistic than David.

Have a good weekend all my reader friends, Drink lots!


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