Monday, January 23, 2006


I just watched the movie "Wal-mart: the high cost of low price". As someone who already knows that wal-mart is a business I don't want to support, I really wasn't expecting to learn anything new or find myself hating the company anymore then I do now. And in the end my opinion hadn't changed.

The thing that I did find very interesting about the movie was the anticommercial aspect of it. I wasn't expecting to see a unbiased movie, but I was intrigued at how much it felt like I was watching a commercial. Only this commercial was meant to keep me from going to the store. Also it was very much made for a target audience. The kid that had tattoos and large piercing never mentioned what his politics were but every middle age, white, southern, male would comment, "I am a conservative republican". I know the unions had a lot to do with getting this movie out. It made me wonder if we will see more and more of this type of stuff.


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