Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Vacation,

Part 4; Little Todd Harbor,

I reminisce with an extra sense of nostalgia since this was my first day back at work. Time seemed odd during my vacation. It seemed like I was away, first from my home then from work, for a long time. But the actual vacation seemed short. How odd, anyways work sucks so more about my vacation.

After Todd Harbor came Little Todd Harbor. The experience was much like the names Todd Harbor was fun and besides all the whingeing I did about my pack, a good hike. Little Todd Harbor was a little less fun, both the campsite and the hike. Once again we went swimming in old Gitche Gumee, Aaron took a nap and I went hiking with Adrian on the rocks. This time however it was a boatless boozeless cruise, when backpacking sacrifices need to be made.

After we ate Aaron and Adrian went down to the water to throw rocks at the other rocks in the water. This was a favorite past time started at Todd Harbor, I think we had three different games created by now. My arm was sore from hiking and throwing rocks the day before, so I stayed up by the tents and read. I thought we were pretty lucky so far. After the first night we seemed to avoid any real annoying people. While reading, listening to the smack of rocks bouncing of rocks I realized the other people in our campsites weren't so lucky. I told my friends this and that ended the rock throwing, probably more because of lack of opportunity than good backpacking edict, but you can't prove that.

That night I was awoke by bright flashes and loud rumbling that could only of been two things; Canada was invading the U.S. or there was a thunderstorm. I won't leave you in suspense it was a thunderstorm.

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