Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Lost set an end date 2010. This sort of reminded me of when Leno announced his retirement years (3, 4 I don't remember exactly) before it is going to happen. They also are going to run there series uninterrupted next year. That's a good idea, only comedy shows can get away with reruns and the whole sticking a new show in the middle of a popular shows season is just stupid.

The odd thing in the article I linked to is when they say,
the network is taking the unusual step of turning "Lost" into a limited-run series.... Typically, networks milk a series until it runs dry of ratings and then drop the ax.
Were they ever thinking of running Lost until it got boring. I was under the impression it was always going to be somewhat of a "limited-run series". Was there a point where they weren't going to explain what the fuck is going on? I think Lynn Elber never watched the show.

I haven't been a big fan of this season, although I have always thought of it as a transition season, which tend to be slow and boring. They say it is going to have a shocking finally, but I have my doubts.

While I was in the TV train of thought, I looked up Studio 60 on Wikipedia it looks like it's going to take ER's spot on May 24 and that will be it for the show. That's too bad after a slow start it really started to get good. I am sure they will replace it with some piece of shit like that stupid Wedding Crashers that's in it's place now. I don't get all these hoax shows out there. I guess reading, writing and revolutionary thoughts (like "how tired will I be tomorrow if I stay up and drink one more beer") is what I will be up to next season.


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