Tuesday, March 13, 2007

300 and the baby,

I remember the first time I went to a movie alone. I was nervous and felt a loser until I got into the theater and saw I was hardly the only one there alone. If you think about it going to a movie is a very antisocial thing to do. You are suppose to sit there and be quite for about two hours. It is considered rude if you talk to your companion. In a way it is quite odd that going to a movie is considered a somewhat social thing to do.

Anyways, I went to 300 yesterday. Once again those feelings of being a loser somewhat returned since I have been to the same theater three times in the last three weeks. Once again that feeling disappeared when I got into the theater and saw about twenty people (OK all guys) by themselves. Usually when I go to a matinee by myself there are a few people by themselves, but nothing like this movie. Then as the last preview was playing a couple walked in. I kept looking at one of them because it looked like he had a baby in one of those front harness with him. I couldn't believe it. 300 is a bloody ultraviolet war movie, I realize this baby was too young and probably wouldn't take any of it in, but something just seemed terribly wrong about it. Besides the fact that I didn't want to hear a baby cry during the movie. I did hear him a couple of times, but the asshole with the cell phone was much more annoying. He only talked on it once but he kept looking at it and the light screen distracted my attention from the movie.

I had carefully orchestrated 300 to my 2,000 movie rated on netflix. However it wasn't quite as good as I thought and only merited four stars. On the other hand I watched an American Experience DVD called Riding the Rails, I made that my 2,000 rating because it was awesome.


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