Sunday, October 01, 2006

Adrian's email,

My friend Adrian sent me this email. What Adrian wrote is in red and my comments are black. Here is the link to the story he is referencing

Man, can you believe this shit !!??

--- "You do not create terrorism by fighting terrorism,"

Uhhh, when in history has war not emboldened portions of the masses
to engage in guerilla warfare? Jesus Christ, look at the
Revolutionary War from the side of the British.

How dare you look at the British civil war American revolution from the British side. The sound of steel boots coming up your stairs are the thought police coming to arrest you.

--- ... "If that ever becomes the mind-set of the policymakers in
Washington, it means we'll go back to the old days of waiting to be
attacked -- and then respond."

Oh, you mean the old days of being a civilized world power, fully
aware of the consequences of its policy decisions?

So you are trying to tell me that if we are having an argument and I punch you in the face, you are going to try to hit me back instead of changing your mind.

--- "Some have selectively quoted from this document to make the
case that by fighting the terrorists -- by fighting them in Iraq --
we are making our people less secure here at home," Bush told the
Reserve Officers Association. "This argument buys into the enemy's
propaganda that the terrorists attack us because we're provoking

Selectively?? Has he read what they released?? FSS (for shit's
sake), you'd have to be pretty damn selective to hear any good
news. And secondly, "enemy's propaganda"? Does he mean the
propaganda of the experts in his own government? And thirdly, maybe
I've been under a rock, but I haven't been exposed to any of this
"enemy's proaganda", just Bush's interpretation of "it".

Yes Bush likes to spin. And apparently he admires it when other do it (from the "no comment" section of The Progressive)
Sympathy for Spinners
"I guess I would of done the same thing if I were them," said President Bush about Hezbollah's declaration of victory after the thirty-four day war with Israel.

Who is that enemy in Iraq anyway? Oh yeah, Iraqi's responsible for 9/11
(wink, wink).

Yeah who is that enemy in Iraq? And what is victory? There is all this talk about "cut and run" what does that mean? Unless you are for a permanent military occupation you are for "cutting and running". At some point we are going to have to leave Iraq and I am sure there will still be opposition to us and they will claim victory. All this "cut and run" name calling coming from Republicans is aiding our enemies with there eventual victory claims.

In conclusion Let me add some quotes


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