Friday, April 07, 2006

Harry Potter Thursday,

As was pointed out to me a shit load of stuff happened yesterday, but I stand by my decision to spend all day reading the second Harry Potter book and not write or keep up with all the stuff going on.

So here is my wrap up of what all went down yesterday.

Tom Daley after quitting to "help his party" keep his seat hurts the next guys chances by sending attack dogs to fuck with the democrat's press conference. This is the kind of thing that turns your supporters away from the polls. There was also some other dirty tricks going on by other republican's. They are really looking desperate.

My congressman James Sensenbrenner grew some balls and accused Gonzales of stonewalling. I am not impressed. I have seen him grow these balls before only to fall right off when anything meaningful is to come of it.

Harry Taylor blast Bush at some event. This just goes to show how low Bush has actually sunk, he has to listen to opposition.

Now the bomb shell, Bush told Libbey to leak Plame's name. This is huge. I have been talking about this case for a while. I think it is getting to a point for the republicans that they are either going to have to impeach Bush or sink their party for the next twenty years. Keep in mind Plame was working on important shit.


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