Thursday, March 23, 2006

Live from Iraq,

So there was this crazy lady on the Today show a couple of days ago pushing the new republican talking point that the media is why things are going so bad in Iraq. She, and I am being serious here, wanted the today show to do a live broadcast from Iraq like they did in the Olympics. Every scenario I come up with when I think of this involves Al Roker getting blown up. It is absolutely amazing to me that the republican's don't realize that bad things happen in war and when the reasons for going to war become cloudy (at best) people are going to be against the war. If the white house needs someone to tell them this I still don't have a job and will be willing to give them my two cents.

Keith Olbermann has something to say about this. Watch fox news be hypocrites. Finally watch this report on it.

Of course this is not really about the Iraq war it is about calling the media liberal so they put more right wingers on television. It has worked in the past.


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