Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Updated random thoughts

So George Allen who I had thought was going to get the republican nod for 08 has suddenly got a challenger for his senate seat in 06. Jim Webb has emerged as a strong challenger and somewhere I read it is rumored that his inside polls have him tied with Allen. So the question gets asked if Allen loses his senate seat can he win the presidency. My opinion is no.

A few weeks back there was a gathering in Tennessee with all the GOP 08 challengers. They had a highly publicized first straw poll for the republican presidential nomination. It was in Bill Frist home state and it was widely reported he stacked the crowd in his favor. Now the front runner, John McCain decided to tell people to not vote for him and instead write in George Bush since he would be our president for another 4 years and we are at war blah blah blah. Like it was predicted Frist won, but there was a lot of grumbling about what McCain did. From what I hear republican's didn't like that McCain didn't just take his lose like a man. That GOP really doesn't like McCain they will find a reason not to vote for him yet.

I am anxious to see a poll on the democrat side (besides Kos's, that doesn't really reflect the whole party). I am betting Feingold will be way up. Probably not to Clinton numbers yet, but a lot of polls haven't even been putting him on. I think it is really going to help him that the press was calling his censure plan a stunt for 08 now people are going to realize he is running. What a brilliant politician.

By the way Feingold will be on the Daily Show tonight (3-22)


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